Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Is Parabots a Good Autoresponder?

There are so many different email auto responders offered today. Adding to the confusion, it appears that the price competition is really heating up. If your asking yourself, is parabots a good auto responder, follow along with this article and we answer some of the most popular questions about email automation.

Using an email autoresponder is one of the easiest ways to begin automating your business. It is often said the gold is in the list. If your not offering your visitors a chance to get on your list, then your leaving money on the table. A lot of money.

Email autoresponders work like this. You have a form on your website offering the visitor something of value in exchange for their contact information. This is usually done with a form, asking for at least a first name and email address. A good example might be a free eBook or email series about your product or service. The visitor inputs their information and automatically the email autoresponder begins to send them emails. Its just that simple. The real beauty in this is, you can begin to educate your visitor about your product or service before they purchase.

This begins the relationship process and takes any selling agenda off the table.

Parabots email autoresponder is offered for free. You have to install it on a domain that you own and host. There are advantages and disadvantages, lets look at the advantages. First advantage is you own the script or software. You have complete control over it. Be careful and only use leads that have opted into your offer. It sometimes is tempting to buy leads, but usually never a good idea.

Owning the script means that you host it on your site as well. (usually) Owning means you handle any and all SPAM complaints. Again, be vary careful you are compliant with this law. There is a chance if someone complains, your hosting company will shut your site down. This would be bad if your worked hard to build traffic. Other advantages are you do not have any monthly fees or limitations to the number of subscribers.

I have not found anything negative about the Parabots script. I would make sure the owner is still providing support if you have any issues to contend with. Installation can also be tricky, if your not familiar. Call or check with you hosting company and make sure they support the language as well. The parabots site has the minimum requirements list on their page.

For me I would rather use a paid autoresponder service. In this industry you certainly pay or find free versions of just about any automation tool necessary, but why would you want to? As a marketer you should focus most of your time marketing and creating relationships. I am not interested in becoming an expert on script installation or the internal workings of email autoresponders. Heck, one does not need to understand how to install an engine just to drive a car.

Companies like Aweber are experts at what they do. They have been in business for years now and are almost an industry standard. If I were to ever have any issues all I do is pick up the phone or contact their support teams. I would not want to spend my time trouble shooting issues that can be resolved by an expert. In the long run cheap or free usually costs you a lot more money.

The same analogy goes with all aspects of internet marketing. Do not become an expert on things that are not going to bring you closer to achieving your goals and dreams. Focus on self development, marketing & people skills. Keep your direction on the right path and watch out for all those distractions. Is parabots a good autoresponder, all indications are that it is. Just make sure you consider all aspects of owning, maintaining and risks of owning your own script.

Are You Using This Tool In Your Marketing? Don't Be Insane And Not Use It

If you want to make money in your sleep, while you eat lunch, while you hang out with friends, and while you take a shower, there is 1 of a few tools you will need. Today I will talk about 1 of them. The odd thing is that most network marketers don't use it? This is insane because anyone who doesn't use it is leaving money on the table.

This simple tool will serve to inform and educate your prospects automatically so you don't have to manually keep sending people information. You can promote absolutely anything you want, as long as it is of value to your prospects.

And it is CRITICAL to your success.

Some of you might know what I'm talking about already, I'm talking about the AUTO-RESPONDER!

This tool will allow you to stay in touch with your prospects 24 hours a day 7 days a week. People need to be exposed to an opportunity more than once and when your marketing on the internet dealing with hundreds to thousands of people, you simply won't have the time to contact each and every one of them on your own. Your auto responder is what will send out messages to all your prospects and re-expose them to your opportunity.

But not only will it expose them to your opportunity o a continual basis, you can use it to brand yourself and help create a relationship with them by giving them the chance to know who you are. The best way to use this tool is to add value by not always pitching them but to also give them free information that can add to their online marketing skill sets.

All the top producers in network marketing are using this, and you should too! If you want to have multiple streams of income online, you definitely need this tool.

I have many sources of income that all of my prospects get exposed to at some point through my on-going communication with them and this pays me thousands of dollars per month regardless of whether or not they join my primary business.

There is no question that if you want to be a top producer, you will need this tool to be successful.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The New Facebook Timeline - What's It All About?

How effective is it?

FB Timeline is effective especially in a business wherein your company will be accessible to customers who aim to learn your business in a deeper perspective. Essential information about your business shall be presented chronologically from your company history to milestones and current events as well. With these changes applied, one aspect is that instead of producing LIKEs, it produces a news feed presenting your product, services or any business information for the thousands of FB users to capture. But of course, the magazine- like appearance of Timeline is worth watching and the images make it appealing to be explored by the internet surfers. Adding a superb timeline base image will surely lure your prospective customers to be involved in whatever business you are promoting.

To help business owners succeed at internet marketing, they need to get a more improved approach in Facebook even if some business owners do not appreciate how this Timeline works. This is the right time to take advantage of building a campaign that would be effective as a competitive edge against your business competitors.

How you can maximize its benefits

- Focus on finding ways to obtain that edge in marketing your business through FB Timeline. Some ways to achieve these is to choose the appropriate cover photo to represent your business.

- The subscribe feature would help you retain clients since your updates shall remain permanent on the news feeds.

- Some other features of FB Timeline you should appreciate is that we can notice what our friends are listening to music at Spotify which was currently integrated with Facebook.

- Foodspotting also indicates what everyone is eating in a particular place.

- Following your friends' posts on Facebook Ticker located on the right side of your Newsfeed allows you to view their update which is a great way to expose your brand or business.

- The share button which you can find at the bottom part of a post can be able to repost the link to others' timeline also showing the number of times the post was shared by people.

For a consumer to show their loyalty to a brand or their passion for a business they love, these features and applications are perfect if a user opt to share whatever experience they has as a loyal consumer, which I believe is a great chance to expose the business publicly.

Complaints of FB users

Some FB users who are not too inclined with technology claimed that they found the new Timeline overpowering. Most complain after every upgrade or modification done on social networks but in the long run, they get used to the changes so the number of complaints was reduced. Users will just have to discover continuously what features would fit their requirements as long as they have been using Facebook for a long time.

Some people claim that the layout appears to be so busy or colossal and that they can't find any reason why FB needs to be modified since it is not defective at all. They stressed that they put a lot of energy and time to create their own pages based on their preference and it was easily accessible to their circle of friends and family since it was less complicated to navigate.

Some feel it is like a scrap book only and that they are confused since the privacy settings are different which makes it hard for users to report issues pertaining to online harassment, etc. Bottomline, people who are not open to change in technology experience difficulty in learning some tricks and realizing benefits the new Timeline can offer.

Helpful Tips to Appreciate FB Timeline

How effective is it?

FB Timeline is effective especially in a business wherein your company will be accessible to customers who aim to learn your business in a deeper perspective. Essential information about your business shall be presented chronologically from your company history to milestones and current events as well. With these changes applied, one aspect is that instead of producing LIKEs, it produces a news feed presenting your product, services or any business information for the thousands of FB users to capture. But of course, the magazine- like appearance of Timeline is worth watching and the images make it appealing to be explored by the internet surfers. Adding a superb timeline base image will surely lure your prospective customers to be involved in whatever business you are promoting.

To help business owners succeed at internet marketing, they need to get a more improved approach in Facebook even if some business owners do not appreciate how this Timeline works. This is the right time to take advantage of building a campaign that would be effective as a competitive edge against your business competitors.

How you can maximize its benefits

- Focus on finding ways to obtain that edge in marketing your business through FB Timeline. Some ways to achieve these is to choose the appropriate cover photo to represent your business.

- The subscribe feature would help you retain clients since your updates shall remain permanent on the news feeds.

- Some other features of FB Timeline you should appreciate is that we can notice what our friends are listening to music at Spotify which was currently integrated with Facebook.

- Foodspotting also indicates what everyone is eating in a particular place.

- Following your friends' posts on Facebook Ticker located on the right side of your Newsfeed allows you to view their update which is a great way to expose your brand or business.

- The share button which you can find at the bottom part of a post can be able to repost the link to others' timeline also showing the number of times the post was shared by people.

For a consumer to show their loyalty to a brand or their passion for a business they love, these features and applications are perfect if a user opt to share whatever experience they has as a loyal consumer, which I believe is a great chance to expose the business publicly.

Complaints of FB users

Some FB users who are not too inclined with technology claimed that they found the new Timeline overpowering. Most complain after every upgrade or modification done on social networks but in the long run, they get used to the changes so the number of complaints was reduced. Users will just have to discover continuously what features would fit their requirements as long as they have been using Facebook for a long time.

Some people claim that the layout appears to be so busy or colossal and that they can't find any reason why FB needs to be modified since it is not defective at all. They stressed that they put a lot of energy and time to create their own pages based on their preference and it was easily accessible to their circle of friends and family since it was less complicated to navigate.

Some feel it is like a scrap book only and that they are confused since the privacy settings are different which makes it hard for users to report issues pertaining to online harassment, etc. Bottomline, people who are not open to change in technology experience difficulty in learning some tricks and realizing benefits the new Timeline can offer.

Helpful Tips to Appreciate FB Timeline

- From an internet marketing perspective, it is smart to share events such as product launching, introduction to a new line of service being offered, or a new brand to present in the market

- You will get a chance to use an eye- catching profile cover image for your FB fans to view like a banner to be seen above your page. This will definitely be an opportunity for you to advertise for free on this space so make the most of it

- You should try out more action buttons besides the LIKE button. Some new buttons shall be created and FB fans will be allowed to get involved with your brand or product through interaction in Facebook.

- You must appreciate the efficiency of Facebook apps which has been implemented on brand pages hence it shall be visible above the fans' Timeline after they download it with any of the Apps interactions. This will truly assist you in integrating your brand into the Timeline of your fans and will eventually create more visibility.

- Be able to grab the attention of your fans efficiently and quickly when you include photos on your status updates as it puts a huge emphasis on the news feeds. From an internet marketing perspective, it is smart to share events such as product launching, introduction to a new line of service being offered, or a new brand to present in the market

- You will get a chance to use an eye- catching profile cover image for your FB fans to view like a banner to be seen above your page. This will definitely be an opportunity for you to advertise for free on this space so make the most of it

- You should try out more action buttons besides the LIKE button. Some new buttons shall be created and FB fans will be allowed to get involved with your brand or product through interaction in Facebook.

- You must appreciate the efficiency of Facebook apps which has been implemented on brand pages hence it shall be visible above the fans' Timeline after they download it with any of the Apps interactions. This will truly assist you in integrating your brand into the Timeline of your fans and will eventually create more visibility.

- Be able to grab the attention of your fans efficiently and quickly when you include photos on your status updates as it puts a huge emphasis on the news feeds.

Benefits of Having a Neighborhood Network Site   Is the Concept of Heaven Really Just a Beautiful, Boring, and Pristine Version of Hell?   Improving Your Facebook Timeline Fanpages   How to Link to Your Pinterest Pins and Drive Traffic to Your Site   Following Celebrities Online - It Has Never Been Easier Thanks to Social Media   

4 Steps to Link Your Facebook Profile to Your Fanpage

Suppose you have a Facebook profile that you use for personal use and and a fanpage for business or a particular interest you may have and you want to link from your profile to your fanpage.

Sometimes it is as easy as going to your profile, clicking editing profile, selecting education and work, and typing in the name of your page in the employer field. It might pop up and link to your fan page, but there is a glitch in Facebook and many people have trouble linking the two pages.

If you are one of them, here are the 4 steps to make this happen:

Step 1 - Firefox Web Developer Add On

You will need to use the Mozilla Firefox browser for this step. Do a search for "web developer ad on" as you will need this add on for Firefox. Download it, install it, and you will have a new toolbar to use for step 4 or any other time you may need.

Step 2 - Copy Your Page ID Number

First, you will go to your Facebook fanpage and click "edit page". On the left side, you will click on "Basic Information". Once on the basic information page, you will go to the URL at the top to retrieve your page ID. Your page ID will be a long series of numbers in the URL that follow?ID=.

Select, copy those digits, and paste them in an editor if need be. Remember, you only want the numbers; if you went pass the &, you went too far.

Step 3 - Add Your Fanpage Name to Your Facebook Profile

Go back to your personal profile, click edit profile, and then "education and work". Here you will type in the exact name of your fanpage. It may or may not pop up, but either way make sure you type it in exact and hit enter and you will add it regardless.

Step 4 - Paste Your Fanpage ID# into the Form

While still on your personal profile edit page, click "education and work" if you are not there. This is where you will need the Firefox Web Developer Tool bar. While on the education and work page, go to your tool bar and click "Forms", which is the 4th option from the right, and then click the first option "Display Form Details". You will see a bunch of "yellowish code" pop up. This is what you want.

Scroll down until you see Employer: input name="employer_id", and a gray input box. In this box, put the Fanpage ID# you copied earlier.

Now, when you go to your personal profile in Facebook, you should have a link to your fanpage.

Benefits of Having a Neighborhood Network Site   Is the Concept of Heaven Really Just a Beautiful, Boring, and Pristine Version of Hell?   Improving Your Facebook Timeline Fanpages   How to Link to Your Pinterest Pins and Drive Traffic to Your Site   Following Celebrities Online - It Has Never Been Easier Thanks to Social Media   How Social Networking For Business Can Build A Team Atmosphere   

Busting The Myths About LinkedIn

Most people underestimate the power and value of LinkedIn. Some because they do not understand how it works. Others because they do not have the time to invest to see the results they desire. While others, have some myths about this marvelous people connecting technology. Let's debunk some of the myths.

LinkedIn Is Just For People Looking For A Job

Nothing could be further from the truth. The 150 million members of LinkedIn are not all job seekers. This platform has evolved into a serious networking facility for serious professionals. And as you know business is all about networking.

LinkedIn Is Not as Powerful as Facebook

If you are talking of the registered users then yes Facebook with over 800 million users compared to LinkedIn's 150 million has a bigger reach. However, unlike Facebook, LinkedIn is for professional business people eager to move ahead in life.

You won't find teenagers on LinkedIn posting the photos of their last party night. The two platforms are geared for different uses.

My Potential Clients are Not on LinkedIn

That's another myth that must be debunked. You see with LinkedIn it is possible to make your profile information indexed for search engines. This is a good way to increase your visibility since LinkedIn gets a high page rank on Google.

Just customize your profile and make it available fully. You also get to publicize your website with LinkedIn.

By the way, in a survey done for LinkedIn, (66%) of users were found to be decision makers or have influence in purchase decisions at their companies. In addition, it was found that decision makers are more likely to be active on LinkedIn.

The More Connections I Have The More Business I Will Get on LinkedIn

Of course numbers matter. But it is better to have a smaller number of people who matter than 10,000 unlikely prospects.

You see, unless you sell services or products that appeal to the mass market, it pays to be selective. As a mobile marketer you are looking at business people with a need for mobile marketing services.

Whereas, it is true that anyone can potentially connect you to your potential clients, it is better to start with hot prospects. A business owner with a normal website already and preferably located locally is a hotter prospect that a business executive of a company located in Nigeria or Papua New Guinea.

My LinkedIn Profile Is All That Matters

Yes. Your profile is crucial. You need to have one that tells your story and why you are the problem solver for your potential clients. However, unless you are some high level celebrity you will need to build your profile brick by brick.

What does that mean?

Well, you know you don't just put up a profile and check your email every morning to see if there is anybody begging for your services. What you do, and this applies to all social media networking sites is that you must take it a notch higher. Join specialized groups, participate in discussions, offer valuable content, avoid too much pitching and generally have 'good manners'.

I Don't Have Time for Another Social Media Network.

No doubt as a mobile marketer you are overwhelmed by the number of activities you have to undertake in you working hours. I suspect that if you are like most people I know you are already on Facebook and Twitter and getting more time dedicated to LinkedIn is possibly out of question.

It doesn't have to be that way and you do not need 2 hours dedicated to LinkedIn. Powerful as the platform, is all you need, if you are short of time, is 15-20 minutes a day. You can login in while having a meal. You can do it while watching the evening news or even as you wait for the coffee to brew.

By the way, 15 minutes every day is equivalent of 7 hours in month and I can guarantee you that you will start seeing results.

Benefits of Having a Neighborhood Network Site   Is the Concept of Heaven Really Just a Beautiful, Boring, and Pristine Version of Hell?   Improving Your Facebook Timeline Fanpages   How to Link to Your Pinterest Pins and Drive Traffic to Your Site   Following Celebrities Online - It Has Never Been Easier Thanks to Social Media   Social Networking - What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages?   

Landlords Insurance - How to Find Out the Best Rates

If you are the owner of any built up space, commercial or residential, you need to take measures to ensure its safety and reduce your monetary liability in case something happens to it. Landlord and commercial property insurance provided by a number of private and public companies allow you to do this very easily. All you have to do is to identify your needs and then narrow down on an insurance company that will provide you with this service. A number of problems such as theft, non payments of rent, damage caused by tenant, fire, flooding, other natural disasters and even terrorism is covered by these policies. If one policy does not cover all your needs choose a combination of policies that will provide you with maximum coverage.

What Is Landlords Insurance?

The landlords insurance protects the owner of a property from any financial liability due to damage caused by fire, explosion, flooding, lightning, earthquake, theft, storm and malicious damages. The items covered by a policy will vary from one company to the other. Accidental damage, rent guarantee insurance, liability insurance, terrorism, contents insurance and legal protection are some of the other issues that can be covered by a landlords insurance. Any person who has a house or other commercial spaces in their possession should take commercial property insurance in order to protect it from damage caused by the lessee or other external factors.

How to Choose the Best Landlords Insurance Provider

Your choice of insurance provider can be based on the rates that they give. Consider at least 5 different insurance companies before you narrow down to the one that meets your requirements. Even if the rates are not the best, you may choose to go with a particular company due to the superior service they provide or your past experience with them. The internet is a good place to start your research about the various insurance companies and the policies that they provide for commercial property insurance. You can also consult with your family and friends who have in the past taken insurance policies from these companies.

Additional Policies and Changing Your Insurer

If a single policy does not cover all your needs, you can always opt for additional policies that are meant for specific issues. Find out about their availability before you strike a deal with the insurance company. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the landlords insurance that you currently have or it does not meet some of the threats that you think your property is under, then change to a different company. Enquire about the paperwork involved and how much it will cost before you take action.

Commercial Insurance - A Business Guide   The World of Business Insurance   How To Find The Best Priced Commercial Auto Insurance Policies   Declarations Page and the Name of the Insured   Best Insurance for Home Workers   

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